from as little as CHF 80
from CHF 80.-
Dear Büssli friends,
The Büssli-Shop organizes the first Swiss "Büssli flea market" 🤝🇨🇭
Partner is the Swiss Museum of Transport.
Why are we organizing this flea market?
We want to meet you more often at events and have fun together. You can swap, buy or sell anything you no longer need but could bring joy to others.
Please take a few moments to complete this survey to help us plan. It's guaranteed to only take 2 minutes 😉
Good to know:
- Delicious food and drinks are provided. Veggie too, of course!
- There is a play area for children.
- Dogs have fun on a separate meadow.
Your answers are crucial to creating a great day for everyone!
Further information will follow in good time.
We are really looking forward to seeing you and experiencing an unforgettable Büssli day together!
With best regards,
Your team from the Büssli-Shop 🤗
Thank you in advance for your participation and your feedback!
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